Hi Prospects & Friends,
About a few months ago I started typing up apartment addresses into my Microsoft Works database, so I would be able to mail to these prospects with my personalized postcards I created in Microsoft Publisher. I had some leads call me from my postcards I had created I sent by mail, and ended up getting a "Solid Lead". The "Solid Lead" was someone who had turned in her apartment notice and was looking for another apartment. I assisted her and found her a cheaper apartment, and she is moving in 8/1/2011. The apartment complex is paying me 100% commission and I will get $759.00 for referring her to them. So I was thinking after analyzing all this I sent out 90 apartment postcards and got some leads, and this 1 ended up being a "Solid Lead" which then turned into a forever "Client" for the future for me. I told my apartment lead now a client, congratulations on your new apartment, and if you ever decide to move again please contact me. I also told her she will definitely receive contact from me yearly, because she is now a "Client" of mine, and that I really appreciate her for hiring me to locate her another place. I call this lead a "Apartment Lead-"Jewel", because I sent out 90 apartment postcards by mail, and did get some calls, but this one was a "Solid Lead" because she had turned in her "Apartment Notice", and had to find another apartment quite "Quickly". After seeing the results from my first batch of apartment postcards I sent out, I'm now sending out 100/mth, it's only costing me $29/mth in stamps, and fits into my monthly marketing budget. So as I look back at all this all the typing addresses late at night I did (I now have 2,700 apartment addresses I've typed), and running to office depot to get avery labels on sale has paid off. As I'm sending out the 100/mth apartment postcards, I'm now coming up with another idea to add to it. I will market 100 postcards I will create in Microsoft Publisher to an elite subdivision I found that's doing quite well in this "Great Recession", if I get a lead out of doing this subdivision like I did with the apartment marketing, I will be "stunned", because the 100 homes I will market start at $500,000+ and generating a prospect in this category will at least earn me $15,000+ in a commission check. My goal for my small business is to have a great database of forever "Clients", and I know to get this I have to market, market, market, and keep doing it "forever". Ok have to go, and remember hard work will always and forever pay off in "The End".
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