Hi Prospects & Friends,
I wanted to share with all investing with real estate can provide valuable long term rewards, if you do your research wisely. I've been investing in real estate since 2003, but have been doing real estate since 1997. Real estate is only complicated to many when they realize the problems they run into require someone of expertise for such problems. It is always wise to learn the basics of real estate terminology first, then apply the advanced techniques afterwards, if your entering into this business as from the investment stand point. If you're just seeking real estate as a supplement to you're income, and don't want to leverage skills into your time, I would still suggest hiring a real estate professional & still learning the basics of the real estate terminology. Learning the basic terminology of real estate will lay down the foundation, and guide you to your valuable longer term rewards future wise. Once you've learned the basic terminology of real estate and characteristics, then get yourself familiar with what it is you want to invest in, will it be:
1. Condos
2. Single Family homes
3. Land
4. Multi-Family
4. High Rises
5. ?/Etc
All properties listed above come in the form of residential or commercial. Depending how you decide to structure the investment from the beginning will determine if it will be commercial or residential. Example I will note is land, will you invest in commercial land or residential land? Another example if you decide to invest in single family homes their classified as residential, but if you set them up in a corporation mortgage companies and banks will consider them commercial & treat them as commercial loans, as well as tax purposes will heavenly change also. So you can see real estate becomes more complicated as you engage in it more, but the key is continuing to learn everything it is to know that applies to your choice of investment. Feel free to navigate my websites listed on right of my blog under "April's Business Websites" to learn more about me and my real estate knowledge. As well as reading this blog, I offer posts I actually experience and apply investment techniques to help ones understand the principles needed to advance the situation.
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