Hi Prospects & Friends,
For me marketing the right efficient way will help minimize my business cost and at the same time allow me to put more time with analyzing other business related stuff. Last week I decided to use a particular kind of post card, "blank backs". I ordered 200 post cards for $12.99, and the post cards I ordered I made sure the backs were blank. The front part of the post card had image/design of my choice from the store's selections , but the back was blank because I wanted the ability to leverage the backs with my own verbiage. I created a post card template with my software and customized it with my own verbiage about me and my company and the services I'm providing for this particular post card. When my post cards arrived I immediately starting printing the backs with my template I created. The post cards are brilliant and great, and because I customized the backs myself I was able to re-create thoughts generated as I brain stormed how I wanted the final customized verbiage to appear on the post card back before I printed them on my laser printer. Since the post cards were $12.99 for 200, and they are still $12.99 for 200, I decided to order 10,000 more post cards, which cost me a total of $649.50. So since my customized post card template is saved, all I have to do is order the post cards as I need them with blank backs and print my verbiage from my customized template I originally created. I recommend any small business or anyone in general trying to get the word out about their services leverage using post cards coupled with their brains creativeness.
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